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Pablo M.
Museo de La Plata
Contact info

I’m researcher at the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas CONICET-Argentina, and professor at the Universidad de La Plata.
I’m currently working on biodiversity, phylogenetic relationships and zoogeographic aspects of Heteroptera, with particular emphasis in Lygaeoidea of the Neotropical Region. I have published on different topics, most of which have treated the biodiversity, phylogeny and biogeography of Heteroptera, and its diversity in Argentina.

-Biodiversity of Heteroptera from Argentina

-Biodiversity of terrestrial heteroptera in protected and disturbed natural areas of the Chaco Húmedo ecoregion

-Revision of Xyonysius and Neotropical Nysius (Lygaeidae, Orsillinae), and Largus (Largidae).

-Several projects dealing with Neotropical Rhyparochromidae, mainly Myodochini
